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Arctic-Antarctic Seafloor Mapping

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Arctic-Antarctic Seafloor Mapping Meeting May 2011

The aims of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) and the International
Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) are to compile the most up-to-date bathymetric portrayals of these two regions.

To bring together the key experts conducting bathymetric mapping in Arctic and Antarctic waters, the IBCAO and IBCSO are holding a meeting at Stockholm University, 3rd - 5th May 2011.

The main aims of the meeting are to

  • coordinate mapping activities
  • improve the IBCAO and the IBCSO
  • discuss the uses and technical requirements of regional bathymetric compilations
  • discuss data sharing and acknowledgment

Access more information about the meeting Adobe PDF version of the first circular letter for the Arctic-Antarctic Seafloor Mapping Meeting 2011 (88 KB)

To find out more and how to get involved, contact the meeting organisers Martin Jakobsson and Hans-Werner Schenke.

GEBCO has long benefitted from contributions from regional mapping projects. Through the Interim Sub-Committee on Regional Undersea Mapping (ISCRUM), GEBCO is aiming to build on and extend its collaboration with regional mapping groups, such as the IBCAO and IBCSO, in order to improve its global bathymetric models.

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