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IBCSO printable map

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IBCSO now available as a digital chart

A section of the IBCSO chartThe aim of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) is to gain a better understanding of the shape of the seafloor in the Southern Ocean area (south of 60°S).

To achieve this goal, the IBCSO group collects and compiles bathymetric data from a number of sources to create a digital bathymetric model of all circum-Antarctic waters. Version 1.0 of the IBCSO was released as a digital grid in April 2013.

The data set is now also available in the form of a printable digital chart file showing the shape of the sea floor in the Southern Ocean and including the names of undersea features.

Additionally, the IBCSO is available as geo-referenced map images (GeoTiffs) at both high and low resolutions, for use in GIS and other mapping and image visualisation systems.

Find out how to access the image and data files from the IBCSO web site.

In order to build an authoritative global bathymetric model, the GEBCO Interim Sub-Committee on Regional Undersea Mapping (ISCRUM) aims to collaborate closely with regional expert groups, such as the IBCSO, to encourage the incorporation of their compilations into GEBCO.

The IBCSO data set will be included in the next release of the GEBCO 30 arc-second grid.

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